Sep 21, 2024
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Elijah Khasabo

Why Facebook Is Still King in 2024 (And What It Means for Brands)

Facebook…it’s not going anywhere, at least not anytime soon. With 3.065 billion monthly active users in 2024, Facebook still stands at the top, outpacing competitors like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Zuckerberg built something massive, and after two decades, Facebook has become ingrained in our daily lives. But what does that mean for brands, especially with the rise of Gen Z?

Let’s dive into why brands should continue to invest in Facebook, even as other platforms come into play.

1. Facebook’s Still the Biggest Player

It’s not just about user numbers, but 3 billion people logging in each month is pretty mind-blowing. Whether you're a brand looking to connect with older millennials or even Gen Z, Facebook has something for everyone. India, the US, and Brazil are home to the largest audiences, but with that kind of reach, your brand can tap into global markets seamlessly.

Got an audience between the ages of 25-34? Facebook is their platform. Nearly one-fifth of users are in this age range. And don’t sleep on Gen Z. While they love TikTok, many are still active on Facebook and ready to engage with brands if they see something that resonates with them.

2. The Facebook Feed Is Still a Goldmine

Sure, you might see funny posts from friends or a meme or two, but over 25% of the posts on your feed have no connection to the people or pages you follow. That’s Facebook’s algorithm doing the work, putting your brand’s ads or posts right in front of the right people.

If you’re a business, that’s what you want. There’s still plenty of opportunity to get your message across in a natural way. UGC (user-generated content) video ads, influencer collaborations, or even product discovery through sponsored posts are just some ways to get in front of fresh eyes.

3. Meta Ads Are a Brand’s Best Friend

Ads on Facebook are where brands win. While Instagram is great for lifestyle and influencer-heavy content, Facebook is where the conversions happen. With Meta's incredible targeting capabilities, you can hone in on your ideal audience with laser precision.

Worried about younger users leaving? Nah, don’t stress. Gen Z is there too, browsing, shopping, and exploring, even if they aren’t sharing their every move on the platform. Brands need to understand how to work the system, especially when it comes to Meta Ads.

4. It’s All About Discovery

People aren’t just mindlessly scrolling on Facebook…well, maybe sometimes, but they’re also looking. Over half of Facebook users say they’ve actively searched for products on the platform. The news feed, groups, and pages are all discovery tools. And with 19.5 hours per month spent on the app, there’s no shortage of time for users to find your brand.

So, what’s stopping you from getting your brand in front of them? It’s clear that Facebook is still a major player in the digital marketing game.

5. But Facebook’s Got Some Work to Do

Not everything is sunshine and roses. Facebook’s battle with fake accounts and content issues continues, with millions of fake accounts removed every quarter. And while many still love Facebook, there's a chunk of users who aren't thrilled with it anymore, especially with fresh competition like TikTok knocking on the door.

Brands should keep this in mind and adjust strategies when needed. Gen Z expects more than just ads. They want interactive, entertaining, and personalized experiences from the brands they follow. This is where Facebook needs to step up and adapt.

What's Your Take?

With over 3 billion users, Facebook is still a beast. But what about you? Are you still using Facebook for your brand’s marketing strategy, or are you turning your focus elsewhere? 

Meet The Author

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Elijah Khasabo